Transport Manager (d/f/m) - #10591397


Datum: vor 6 Tagen
Stadt: Kreuzlingen, TG
Vertragsart: Ganztags
For our headquarters in Kreuzlingen/Switzerland, we are looking for employees who will actively shape the future of the HOLY FASHION GROUP, so apply now as Transport Manager (d/f/m)

In this dynamic and versatile role, you act as the central contact person for key account logistics providers and internal stakeholders. You are responsible for organizing, managing, and handling the global transport activities of the HOLY FASHION GROUP across all modes of transport. Additionally, you are in charge of tenders and negotiations with freight forwarders, including setting framework agreements and payment terms. Furthermore, you continuously monitor and analyze all relevant KPIs, such as delivery performance, transport costs, and service quality, to ensure the efficiency of logistics partners. Moreover, you are actively involved in the design and implementation of transport logistics projects and contribute significantly to the definition and optimization of logistics processes. Organizing and conducting training sessions to ensure compliance with current logistical regulations in daily business completes your varied range of tasks.

Required experience and skills:

  • a successfully completed commercial vocational training with further education in supply chain management, as an foreign trade specialist, or in international transport logistics
  • at least five years of professional experience in an industrial environment in transport management or as a specialist in transport logistics, as well as in the development and negotiation of logistics services
  • ERP user knowledge (SAP preferred) and very good MS Office skills
  • very good English skills
  • high interface and coordination capability
  • negotiation skills and a pragmatic approach with a sense for innovative processes
  • enthusiasm, resilience, and assertiveness with a strong sense of entrepreneurial thinking

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